SSHR Rollout Script 1 to Create Users
YOU HAVE REACHED HERE FROM ORACLE.ANILPASSI.COM set scan on ; conn xxschema/&2 ; --drop table xx_sshr_allocate_resp ; create table xx_sshr_allocate_resp ( sshr_allocate_resp_id INTEGER ,person_id INTEGER ,future_dated_employee_flag VARCHAR2(1) ,responsibillity_name VARCHAR2(500) ,error_during_resp_allocation VARCHAR2(4000) ,fnd_user_id VARCHAR2(100) ,fnd_request_id INTEGER ,email_address VARCHAR2(500) ,responsibility_alloc_date DATE ,new_fnd_user_flag VARCHAR2(1) ,messsage_code VARCHAR2(500) ) ; --DROP sequence xx_sshr_allocate_resp_s ; create sequence xx_sshr_allocate_resp_s start with 1000 ; grant all on xx_sshr_allocate_resp to apps; grant all on xx_sshr_allocate_resp to discover ; conn apps/&1 ; create or replace synonym xx_sshr_allocate_resp for xxschema.xx_sshr_allocate_resp ; create or replace synonym xx_sshr_allocate_resp_s for xxschema.xx_sshr_allocate_resp_s ; create or replace view xx_per_all_people_x AS SELECT * FROM per_all_people_f WHERE trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date; create or replace view xx_per_all_asg_x AS SELECT * FROM per_all_assignments_f WHERE trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date; create or replace view xx_sshr_allocate_resp_v AS SELECT isar.*, frv.responsibility_name, frv.start_date, fu.user_name FROM fnd_responsibility_vl frv ,fnd_user fu ,xx_per_all_people_x ppx ,xx_sshr_allocate_resp isar WHERE isar.person_id = ppx.person_id AND fu.user_id(+) = isar.fnd_user_id AND frv.responsibility_name(+) = isar.responsibillity_name ; create or replace view xx_per_all_people_eot AS SELECT person_id, email_address, employee_number FROM per_all_people_f WHERE to_date('31-12-4712' ,'DD-MM-YYYY') BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date GROUP BY person_id, email_address,employee_number; create or replace view xx_PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_EOT AS SELECT person_type_usage_id, person_id, person_type_id FROM per_person_type_usages_f WHERE to_date('31-12-4712' ,'DD-MM-YYYY') BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date GROUP BY person_type_usage_id, person_id, person_type_id; SELECT * FROM xx_sshr_allocate_resp_v WHERE fnd_request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id; create index xx_sshr_allocate_resp_U1 ON xx_sshr_allocate_resp ( sshr_allocate_resp_id ) ; create index xx_sshr_allocate_resp_N1 ON xx_sshr_allocate_resp ( person_id, fnd_request_id ) ; |
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