set scan on ; set scan off ;
--Created in Nov 06 by Anil Passi /* When By Why ----------------------------------------------- 29Nov06 AnilPassi To allocate responsibilities 01Dec06 Anil Passi To create new users too Send emails to new users with their password etc Send emails to existing users that they now have sshr */ g_instance_name VARCHAR2(100) := 'JUNK'; g_debug_procedure_context VARCHAR2(50); g_debug_header_context CONSTANT VARCHAR2(80) := 'xxxx_sshr_allocate_resp_pkg.';
PROCEDURE debug_begin_procedure IS BEGIN fnd_log.STRING(log_level => fnd_log.level_statement ,module => g_debug_header_context || g_debug_procedure_context ,message => 'Begin ' || g_debug_procedure_context); IF fnd_global.conc_request_id > 0 AND fnd_profile.VALUE('AFLOG_ENABLED') = 'Y' THEN fnd_file.put_line(which => fnd_file.log ,buff => 'Begin ' || g_debug_procedure_context); END IF; END debug_begin_procedure;
PROCEDURE debug_stmt(p_msg IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN fnd_log.STRING(log_level => fnd_log.level_statement ,module => g_debug_header_context || g_debug_procedure_context ,message => p_msg); IF fnd_global.conc_request_id > 0 THEN fnd_file.put_line(which => fnd_file.log ,buff => p_msg); END IF; END debug_stmt;
PROCEDURE debug_end_procedure IS BEGIN fnd_log.STRING(log_level => fnd_log.level_statement ,module => g_debug_header_context || g_debug_procedure_context ,message => 'End ' || g_debug_procedure_context); IF fnd_global.conc_request_id > 0 AND fnd_profile.VALUE('AFLOG_ENABLED') = 'Y' THEN fnd_file.put_line(which => fnd_file.log ,buff => 'End ' || g_debug_procedure_context); END IF; END debug_end_procedure;
PROCEDURE set_debug_context(p_procedure_name IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN g_debug_procedure_context := p_procedure_name; debug_begin_procedure; END set_debug_context;
FUNCTION is_user_creation_possible(p_person_id IN INTEGER ,p_xxdp OUT xx_windows_logon_table%ROWTYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS CURSOR c_check IS SELECT xxdp.* FROM per_people_x ppx, xx_windows_logon_table xxdp WHERE ltrim(ppx.employee_number ,'0') = ltrim(xxdp.emp_no ,'0') AND ppx.person_id = p_person_id; p_check c_check%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN c_check; FETCH c_check INTO p_check; CLOSE c_check; p_xxdp := p_check; IF p_check.emp_no IS NULL THEN RETURN 'No emp_no record in Network Login Table'; ELSIF p_check.nt_login IS NULL THEN RETURN 'No NT Login Available for this Person in Network Login Table'; ELSIF p_check.college_email_address IS NULL THEN RETURN 'No Email Address for this Person in Network Login Table'; END IF; RETURN NULL; END is_user_creation_possible;
FUNCTION get_email_from_emp_no(p_emp_no_email IN VARCHAR2 ,p_test_email IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN IF g_instance_name = 'XXPRD' THEN RETURN p_emp_no_email; ELSE RETURN p_test_email; END IF; END get_email_from_emp_no;
FUNCTION does_fu_exist(p_fu_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS CURSOR c_check IS SELECT 'x' FROM fnd_user fu WHERE fu.user_name = upper(p_fu_name); p_check c_check%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN c_check; FETCH c_check INTO p_check; IF c_check%FOUND THEN CLOSE c_check; RETURN TRUE; END IF; CLOSE c_check; RETURN FALSE; END does_fu_exist;
PROCEDURE send_email_to_new_user(p_xxdp IN xx_windows_logon_table%ROWTYPE ,p_user_name IN VARCHAR2 ,p_password IN VARCHAR2 ,p_test_email IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN DECLARE BEGIN send_html_email(p_to => get_email_from_emp_no(p_xxdp.college_email_address ,p_test_email) ,p_from => nvl(p_test_email ,'') ,p_subject => 'Welcome to Self Service HR' ,p_text => 'Welcome to Self Service HR' ,p_html => '<b>Your User Name</b> : ' || p_user_name || '<br/><b>Your Password</b> : ' || p_password || '<br/><br/>' || 'This user name and password gives you access the new Self Service HR.' || '<br/><br/>Self Service HR enables Company staff to view and update their own personal data. The <br/>information is current and any changes made will be implemented immediately.' || '<br/><br/>Please go to Spectrum following this link <br/><a href=""></a>' || '<br/>where you can log into Self Service HR, find out more and read the FAQs.' ,p_smtp_hostname => 'localhost' ,p_smtp_portnum => '25'); END; END send_email_to_new_user;
PROCEDURE send_email_to_existing_user(p_xxdp IN xx_windows_logon_table%ROWTYPE ,p_test_email IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN DECLARE BEGIN send_html_email(p_to => get_email_from_emp_no(p_xxdp.college_email_address ,p_test_email) ,p_from => nvl(p_test_email ,'') ,p_subject => 'Welcome to Self Service HR' ,p_text => 'Welcome to Self Service HR' ,p_html => 'We are writing to let you know that the next time you log into Oracle Apps you will see a new<br/> responsibility, <b>XX HR Employee Self Service</b>. This responsibility gives you access the new<br/> Self Service HR feature in Oracle Apps.' || '<p></p>Self Service HR enables staff to view and update their own personal data.' || '<p></p>Please go to this link<br/><a href=""></a><br/>to find out more and read the FAQs.' || '<br/><br/>' || 'Regards' || '<br/><br/>SSHR Rollout Team' || '<br/>' || 'HR Dept' ,p_smtp_hostname => 'localhost' ,p_smtp_portnum => '25'); END; END send_email_to_existing_user;
FUNCTION get_latest_fu(p_proposed_fu_name IN VARCHAR2 ,p_proposed_offset IN INTEGER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN IF does_fu_exist(p_proposed_fu_name || p_proposed_offset) THEN RETURN get_latest_fu(p_proposed_fu_name ,p_proposed_offset + 1); END IF; RETURN upper(p_proposed_fu_name || p_proposed_offset); END get_latest_fu;
FUNCTION get_fu_name(p_nt_login IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN IF NOT does_fu_exist(p_nt_login) THEN RETURN upper(p_nt_login); END IF; IF NOT does_fu_exist(p_nt_login) THEN RETURN upper(p_nt_login); END IF; RETURN get_latest_fu(p_nt_login ,1); END get_fu_name;
FUNCTION get_user_name_from_fu_per_id(p_person_id IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS CURSOR c_get IS SELECT fu.user_name FROM fnd_user fu WHERE fu.employee_id = p_person_id; p_get c_get%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN c_get; FETCH c_get INTO p_get; CLOSE c_get; RETURN p_get.user_name; END get_user_name_from_fu_per_id;
FUNCTION get_random_password RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN RETURN lower(dbms_random.STRING('X' ,8)); END get_random_password;
FUNCTION get_person_name(p_person_id IN INTEGER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS CURSOR c_get IS SELECT full_name FROM per_all_people_f WHERE person_id = p_person_id ORDER BY effective_start_date DESC; p_get c_get%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN c_get; FETCH c_get INTO p_get; CLOSE c_get; RETURN p_get.full_name; END get_person_name;
PROCEDURE create_fnd_user_for_emp_no(p_user_name IN VARCHAR2 ,p_person_id IN INTEGER ,p_email_address IN VARCHAR2 ,p_person_description IN VARCHAR2 ,p_password OUT VARCHAR2) IS v_session_id VARCHAR2(200); v_password VARCHAR2(100) := get_random_password; BEGIN p_password := v_password; fnd_user_pkg.createuser(x_user_name => p_user_name ,x_owner => '' ,x_unencrypted_password => v_password ,x_description => p_person_description ,x_password_lifespan_days => 180 ,x_employee_id => p_person_id ,x_email_address => p_email_address); END create_fnd_user_for_emp_no;
FUNCTION get_fu_id(p_fu_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS CURSOR c_get IS SELECT user_id FROM fnd_user WHERE user_name = p_fu_name; p_get c_get%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN c_get; FETCH c_get INTO p_get; CLOSE c_get; RETURN p_get.user_id; END get_fu_id;
FUNCTION create_fnd_user(p_person_id IN INTEGER ,p_xxdp IN xx_windows_logon_table%ROWTYPE ,p_new_fnd_user_name OUT VARCHAR2 ,p_new_fnd_user_password OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN INTEGER IS v_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE; v_password VARCHAR2(200); v_err VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN v_user_name := get_fu_name(p_nt_login => p_xxdp.nt_login); debug_stmt('For p_xxdp.nt_login=>' || p_xxdp.nt_login || ' the username is ' || v_user_name); create_fnd_user_for_emp_no(p_user_name => p_xxdp.nt_login ,p_person_id => p_person_id ,p_email_address => p_xxdp.college_email_address ,p_person_description => p_xxdp.title || ' ' || p_xxdp.first_name || ' ' || p_xxdp.last_name ,p_password => v_password); p_new_fnd_user_name := v_user_name; p_new_fnd_user_password := v_password; RETURN get_fu_id(p_fu_name => v_user_name); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN v_err := substr(SQLERRM ,1 ,2000); debug_stmt(v_err); RETURN NULL; END create_fnd_user;
PROCEDURE send_html_email(p_to IN VARCHAR2 ,p_from IN VARCHAR2 ,p_subject IN VARCHAR2 ,p_text IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,p_html IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,p_smtp_hostname IN VARCHAR2 ,p_smtp_portnum IN VARCHAR2) IS l_boundary VARCHAR2(255) DEFAULT 'a1b2c3d4e3f2g1'; l_connection utl_smtp.connection; l_body_html CLOB := empty_clob; --This LOB will be the email message l_offset NUMBER; l_ammount NUMBER; l_temp VARCHAR2(32767) DEFAULT NULL; BEGIN /* Usage...... html_email(p_to => '' ,p_from => '' ,p_subject => 'Testing from anil' ,p_text => 'ABCD' ,p_html => '<b>IJKLM</b> Testing for the HTML Format of the email' ,p_smtp_hostname => 'localhost' ,p_smtp_portnum => '25'); */ l_connection := utl_smtp.open_connection(p_smtp_hostname ,p_smtp_portnum); utl_smtp.helo(l_connection ,p_smtp_hostname); utl_smtp.mail(l_connection ,p_from); utl_smtp.rcpt(l_connection ,p_to); l_temp := l_temp || 'MIME-Version: 1.0' || chr(13) || chr(10); l_temp := l_temp || 'To: ' || p_to || chr(13) || chr(10); l_temp := l_temp || 'From: ' || p_from || chr(13) || chr(10); l_temp := l_temp || 'Subject: ' || p_subject || chr(13) || chr(10); l_temp := l_temp || 'Reply-To: ' || p_from || chr(13) || chr(10); l_temp := l_temp || 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=' || chr(34) || l_boundary || chr(34) || chr(13) || chr(10); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Write the headers dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_body_html ,FALSE ,10); dbms_lob.WRITE(l_body_html ,length(l_temp) ,1 ,l_temp); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Write the text boundary l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1; l_temp := '--' || l_boundary || chr(13) || chr(10); l_temp := l_temp || 'content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii' || chr(13) || chr(10) || chr(13) || chr(10); dbms_lob.WRITE(l_body_html ,length(l_temp) ,l_offset ,l_temp); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Write the plain text portion of the email l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1; dbms_lob.WRITE(l_body_html ,length(p_text) ,l_offset ,p_text); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Write the HTML boundary l_temp := chr(13) || chr(10) || chr(13) || chr(10) || '--' || l_boundary || chr(13) || chr(10); l_temp := l_temp || 'content-type: text/html;' || chr(13) || chr(10) || chr(13) || chr(10); l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1; dbms_lob.WRITE(l_body_html ,length(l_temp) ,l_offset ,l_temp); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Write the HTML portion of the message l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1; dbms_lob.WRITE(l_body_html ,length(p_html) ,l_offset ,p_html); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Write the final html boundary l_temp := chr(13) || chr(10) || '--' || l_boundary || '--' || chr(13); l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1; dbms_lob.WRITE(l_body_html ,length(l_temp) ,l_offset ,l_temp); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Send the email in 1900 byte chunks to UTL_SMTP l_offset := 1; l_ammount := 1900; utl_smtp.open_data(l_connection); WHILE l_offset < dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) LOOP utl_smtp.write_data(l_connection ,dbms_lob.substr(l_body_html ,l_ammount ,l_offset)); l_offset := l_offset + l_ammount; l_ammount := least(1900 ,dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) - l_ammount); END LOOP; utl_smtp.close_data(l_connection); utl_smtp.quit(l_connection); dbms_lob.freetemporary(l_body_html); END send_html_email;
PROCEDURE excel_output(p_msg IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output ,p_msg); END excel_output;
FUNCTION get_user_name(p_user_id IN INTEGER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS CURSOR c_get IS SELECT user_name FROM fnd_user WHERE user_id = p_user_id; p_get c_get%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN c_get; FETCH c_get INTO p_get; CLOSE c_get; RETURN p_get.user_name; END get_user_name;
FUNCTION get_emp_no(p_person_id IN INTEGER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS CURSOR c_get IS SELECT employee_number FROM xx_per_all_people_x WHERE person_id = p_person_id; p_get c_get%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN c_get; FETCH c_get INTO p_get; CLOSE c_get; RETURN p_get.employee_number; END get_emp_no;
FUNCTION get_cost_centre_group(p_person_id IN INTEGER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS CURSOR c_get IS SELECT hrou1.attribute5 FROM hr_all_organization_units hrou1 ,hr_all_organization_units hrou ,xx_per_all_asg_x ass ,xx_per_all_people_x ppx WHERE ppx.person_id = p_person_id AND ass.person_id = ppx.person_id AND ass.assignment_number IS NOT NULL AND ass.primary_flag = 'Y' AND hrou.organization_id = ass.organization_id AND hrou1.NAME = primaryhro_pkg.fn_get_primaryhro(ass.organization_id); p_get c_get%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN c_get; FETCH c_get INTO p_get; CLOSE c_get; RETURN p_get.attribute5; END get_cost_centre_group;
FUNCTION get_parent_org(p_person_id IN INTEGER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS CURSOR c_get IS SELECT primaryhro_pkg.fn_get_primaryhro(ass.organization_id) parent_org FROM hr_all_organization_units hrou ,xx_per_all_asg_x ass ,xx_per_all_people_x ppx WHERE ppx.person_id = p_person_id AND ass.person_id = ppx.person_id AND ass.assignment_number IS NOT NULL AND ass.primary_flag = 'Y' AND hrou.organization_id = ass.organization_id; p_get c_get%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN c_get; FETCH c_get INTO p_get; CLOSE c_get; RETURN p_get.parent_org; END get_parent_org;
FUNCTION get_grade(p_person_id IN INTEGER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS CURSOR c_get IS SELECT pg.NAME FROM per_grade_definitions pgd ,per_grades pg ,xx_per_all_asg_x ass ,xx_per_all_people_x ppx WHERE ppx.person_id = p_person_id AND ass.person_id = ppx.person_id AND ass.assignment_number IS NOT NULL AND ass.primary_flag = 'Y' AND pg.grade_id = ass.grade_id AND pgd.grade_definition_id = pg.grade_definition_id; p_get c_get%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN c_get; FETCH c_get INTO p_get; CLOSE c_get; RETURN p_get.NAME; END get_grade;
PROCEDURE run(errbuf OUT VARCHAR2 ,retcode OUT VARCHAR2 ,p_responsibility_name IN VARCHAR2 ,p_person_type IN VARCHAR2 ,p_cost_centre_group_1 IN VARCHAR2 ,p_cost_centre_group_2 IN VARCHAR2 ,p_parent_org_1 IN VARCHAR2 ,p_parent_org_2 IN VARCHAR2 ,p_emp_no IN VARCHAR2 ,p_read_only_flag IN VARCHAR2 ,p_test_ceration_email_address IN VARCHAR2) IS n_count INTEGER; v_sqlerrm VARCHAR2(2000); can_not_fnd_create_user EXCEPTION; error_in_fnd_user_pkg EXCEPTION; v_fnd_user_name VARCHAR2(100); CURSOR c_get IS SELECT * FROM fnd_responsibility_vl WHERE responsibility_name = nvl('XX HR Employee Self Service' ,p_responsibility_name); p_get c_get%ROWTYPE; duplicate_responsibility EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(duplicate_responsibility ,-20001); v_hard_password VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_profile.VALUE('SIGNON_PASSWORD_HARD_TO_GUESS'); l_xxdp xx_windows_logon_table%ROWTYPE; b_new_user_created BOOLEAN; v_fnd_user_password VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN set_debug_context('run'); SELECT instance_name INTO g_instance_name FROM v$instance; debug_stmt('g_instance_name=>' || g_instance_name); fnd_profile.put(NAME => 'SIGNON_PASSWORD_HARD_TO_GUESS' ,val => 'N'); OPEN c_get; FETCH c_get INTO p_get; CLOSE c_get; --lets dump the records first into the temp table, --this will be followed by --a. see which people do not have Sign On --b. Which people already have Responsibility INSERT INTO xx_sshr_allocate_resp (sshr_allocate_resp_id ,person_id ,future_dated_employee_flag ,responsibillity_name ,error_during_resp_allocation ,fnd_user_id ,fnd_request_id ,email_address) (SELECT xx_sshr_allocate_resp_s.NEXTVAL ,ppx.person_id --PERSON_ID ,'N' --FUTURE_DATED_EMPLOYEE_FLAG ,p_responsibility_name --responsibillity_name ,NULL --ERROR_DURING_RESP_ALLOCATION ,NULL --FND_USER_ID ,fnd_global.conc_request_id --FND_REQUEST_ID ,ppx.email_address FROM per_person_types ppt ,per_person_type_usages_x pptux ,xx_per_all_people_x ppx WHERE ppx.person_id = pptux.person_id AND ppt.person_type_id = pptux.person_type_id AND ppx.employee_number = nvl(p_emp_no ,ppx.employee_number) AND ppt.system_person_type = 'EMP' AND ppt.user_person_type = p_person_type AND ppt.business_group_id = fnd_profile.VALUE('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID') AND EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM hr_all_organization_units hrou1 ,hr_all_organization_units hrou ,xx_per_all_asg_x pax WHERE p_cost_centre_group_1 IS NOT NULL AND pax.person_id = ppx.person_id AND pax.primary_flag = 'Y' AND pax.assignment_number IS NOT NULL AND hrou.organization_id = pax.organization_id AND hrou1.NAME = primaryhro_pkg.fn_get_primaryhro(pax.organization_id) AND hrou1.attribute5 IN (nvl(p_cost_centre_group_1 ,'XXXX'), nvl(p_cost_centre_group_2 ,'XXXX')) UNION ALL SELECT 'x' FROM dual WHERE (p_cost_centre_group_1 IS NULL AND p_cost_centre_group_2 IS NULL)) AND EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM hr_all_organization_units hrou, xx_per_all_asg_x pax WHERE p_parent_org_1 IS NOT NULL AND pax.person_id = ppx.person_id AND pax.primary_flag = 'Y' AND pax.assignment_number IS NOT NULL AND hrou.organization_id = pax.organization_id AND primaryhro_pkg.fn_get_primaryhro(pax.organization_id) IN (nvl(p_parent_org_1 ,'XXXX'), nvl(p_parent_org_2 ,'XXXX')) UNION ALL SELECT 'x' FROM dual WHERE (p_parent_org_1 IS NULL AND p_parent_org_2 IS NULL))); n_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT; debug_stmt(n_count || ' Records inserted into Temp Table based on Eligibility Criteria'); INSERT INTO xx_sshr_allocate_resp (sshr_allocate_resp_id ,person_id ,future_dated_employee_flag ,responsibillity_name ,error_during_resp_allocation ,fnd_user_id ,fnd_request_id ,email_address) (SELECT xx_sshr_allocate_resp_s.NEXTVAL ,ppx.person_id --PERSON_ID ,'Y' --FUTURE_DATED_EMPLOYEE_FLAG ,p_responsibility_name --responsibillity_name ,'Employee Is a Future Starter' --ERROR_DURING_RESP_ALLOCATION ,NULL --FND_USER_ID ,fnd_global.conc_request_id --FND_REQUEST_ID ,ppx.email_address FROM per_person_types ppt ,xx_per_person_type_usages_eot pptux ,xx_per_all_people_eot ppx WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM xx_sshr_allocate_resp iar WHERE iar.person_id = ppx.person_id AND fnd_request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id) AND ppx.person_id = pptux.person_id AND ppt.person_type_id = pptux.person_type_id AND ppx.employee_number = nvl(p_emp_no ,ppx.employee_number) AND ppt.system_person_type = 'EMP' AND ppt.user_person_type = p_person_type AND ppt.business_group_id = fnd_profile.VALUE('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID') AND EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM hr_all_organization_units hrou1 ,hr_all_organization_units hrou ,xx_per_all_asg_x pax WHERE p_cost_centre_group_1 IS NOT NULL AND pax.person_id = ppx.person_id AND pax.primary_flag = 'Y' AND pax.assignment_number IS NOT NULL AND hrou.organization_id = pax.organization_id AND hrou1.NAME = primaryhro_pkg.fn_get_primaryhro(pax.organization_id) AND hrou1.attribute5 IN (nvl(p_cost_centre_group_1 ,'XXXX'), nvl(p_cost_centre_group_2 ,'XXXX')) UNION ALL SELECT 'x' FROM dual WHERE (p_cost_centre_group_1 IS NULL AND p_cost_centre_group_2 IS NULL)) AND EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM hr_all_organization_units hrou, xx_per_all_asg_x pax WHERE p_parent_org_1 IS NOT NULL AND pax.person_id = ppx.person_id AND pax.primary_flag = 'Y' AND pax.assignment_number IS NOT NULL AND hrou.organization_id = pax.organization_id AND primaryhro_pkg.fn_get_primaryhro(pax.organization_id) IN (nvl(p_parent_org_1 ,'XXXX'), nvl(p_parent_org_2 ,'XXXX')) UNION ALL SELECT 'x' FROM dual WHERE (p_parent_org_1 IS NULL AND p_parent_org_2 IS NULL))); n_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT; debug_stmt(n_count || ' Records inserted into Temp Table that aer eligible but Future Dated'); --Commenting the below, as we need to create User Accounts for these folks /* UPDATE xx_sshr_allocate_resp isar SET error_during_resp_allocation = 'Employee Is Not a User' WHERE isar.fnd_request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id AND error_during_resp_allocation IS NULL AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM fnd_user fu WHERE fu.employee_id = isar.person_id); n_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT; put_log(n_count || ' Records errored due to them not being Employee'); */ UPDATE xx_sshr_allocate_resp isar SET fnd_user_id = (SELECT user_id FROM fnd_user WHERE employee_id = isar.person_id AND rownum < 2) WHERE isar.fnd_request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id AND error_during_resp_allocation IS NULL; UPDATE xx_sshr_allocate_resp isar SET responsibility_alloc_date = (SELECT start_date FROM fnd_user_resp_groups_direct WHERE user_id = isar.fnd_user_id AND responsibility_id = p_get.responsibility_id AND rownum < 2) WHERE isar.fnd_request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id; n_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT; debug_stmt(n_count || ' Records were attempted to be assigned existing responsibility_alloc_date'); UPDATE xx_sshr_allocate_resp isar SET error_during_resp_allocation = 'Responsibility Already Allocated on ' || to_char(responsibility_alloc_date ,'DD-MON-YYYY') WHERE isar.fnd_request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id AND responsibility_alloc_date IS NOT NULL; n_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT; debug_stmt(n_count || ' Records errored as they already have the responsibility'); /* UPDATE xx_sshr_allocate_resp isar SET error_during_resp_allocation = 'Employees User Record is Terminated' WHERE isar.fnd_request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id AND error_during_resp_allocation IS NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM fnd_user fu WHERE fu.employee_id = isar.person_id AND NOT (trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN nvl(fu.start_date ,trunc(SYSDATE)) AND nvl(fu.start_date ,trunc(SYSDATE)))); n_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT; put_log(n_count || ' Records errored as their FND_USER is end dated'); */ UPDATE xx_sshr_allocate_resp isar SET error_during_resp_allocation = 'No Email Address' WHERE isar.fnd_request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id AND isar.email_address IS NULL AND error_during_resp_allocation IS NULL; n_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT; debug_stmt(n_count || ' Records errored as they have no email address in HRMS'); UPDATE xx_sshr_allocate_resp isar SET fnd_user_id = (SELECT user_id FROM fnd_user WHERE employee_id = isar.person_id AND rownum < 2) WHERE isar.fnd_request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id AND error_during_resp_allocation IS NULL; n_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT; debug_stmt(n_count || ' Records aer unerrored, and hence will be processed further'); excel_output('Action' || chr(9) || 'UserName' || chr(9) || 'emp_no' || chr(9) || 'Person Full Name' || chr(9) || 'Allocation Date' || chr(9) || 'Error' || chr(9) || 'cost_centre_group' || chr(9) || 'parent_org' || chr(9) || 'Grade'); FOR p_rec IN (SELECT * FROM xx_sshr_allocate_resp isar WHERE isar.fnd_request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id AND error_during_resp_allocation IS NULL) LOOP BEGIN l_xxdp := NULL; v_fnd_user_password := NULL; b_new_user_created := FALSE; v_fnd_user_name := NULL; v_sqlerrm := is_user_creation_possible(p_person_id => p_rec.person_id ,p_xxdp => l_xxdp); debug_stmt('p_rec.fnd_user_id =>' || p_rec.fnd_user_id); debug_stmt('Is user creation possible returned => ' || v_sqlerrm); IF p_rec.fnd_user_id IS NULL AND v_sqlerrm IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE can_not_fnd_create_user; END IF; IF NOT (p_read_only_flag = 'Y') THEN debug_stmt('Not read only'); IF p_rec.fnd_user_id IS NULL THEN debug_stmt('Looks like new user is needed'); p_rec.fnd_user_id := create_fnd_user(p_person_id => p_rec.person_id ,p_xxdp => l_xxdp ,p_new_fnd_user_name => v_fnd_user_name ,p_new_fnd_user_password => v_fnd_user_password); IF p_rec.fnd_user_id IS NULL THEN RAISE error_in_fnd_user_pkg; ELSE UPDATE xx_sshr_allocate_resp ir SET ir.fnd_user_id = p_rec.fnd_user_id ,new_fnd_user_flag = 'Y' ,messsage_code = v_fnd_user_password WHERE ir.sshr_allocate_resp_id = p_rec.sshr_allocate_resp_id; b_new_user_created := TRUE; END IF; END IF; fnd_user_resp_groups_api.insert_assignment(user_id => p_rec.fnd_user_id ,responsibility_id => p_get.responsibility_id ,responsibility_application_id => p_get.application_id ,security_group_id => 0 ,start_date => trunc(SYSDATE) ,end_date => NULL ,description => 'Auto Allocation for SSHR'); UPDATE xx_sshr_allocate_resp SET responsibility_alloc_date = SYSDATE WHERE sshr_allocate_resp_id = p_rec.sshr_allocate_resp_id; IF b_new_user_created THEN excel_output('Allocated[With New User]' || chr(9) || get_user_name(p_rec.fnd_user_id) || chr(9) || get_emp_no(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || get_person_name(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || to_char(trunc(SYSDATE) ,'DD-MON-YYYY') || chr(9) || '' || chr(9) || get_cost_centre_group(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || get_parent_org(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || get_grade(p_rec.person_id)); send_email_to_new_user(p_xxdp => l_xxdp ,p_user_name => v_fnd_user_name ,p_password => v_fnd_user_password ,p_test_email => p_test_ceration_email_address); ELSE excel_output('Allocated' || chr(9) || get_user_name(p_rec.fnd_user_id) || chr(9) || get_emp_no(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || get_person_name(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || to_char(trunc(SYSDATE) ,'DD-MON-YYYY') || chr(9) || '' || chr(9) || get_cost_centre_group(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || get_parent_org(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || get_grade(p_rec.person_id)); send_email_to_existing_user(p_xxdp => l_xxdp ,p_test_email => p_test_ceration_email_address); END IF; COMMIT; ELSE IF p_rec.fnd_user_id IS NULL THEN excel_output('Eligible [New User Will Be Created]' || chr(9) || nvl(get_user_name(p_rec.fnd_user_id) ,get_fu_name(l_xxdp.nt_login)) || chr(9) || get_emp_no(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || get_person_name(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || chr(9) || chr(9) || get_cost_centre_group(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || get_parent_org(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || get_grade(p_rec.person_id)); ELSE excel_output('Eligible' || chr(9) || get_user_name(p_rec.fnd_user_id) || chr(9) || get_emp_no(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || get_person_name(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || chr(9) || chr(9) || get_cost_centre_group(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || get_parent_org(p_rec.person_id) || chr(9) || get_grade(p_rec.person_id)); END IF; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN can_not_fnd_create_user THEN UPDATE xx_sshr_allocate_resp ir SET ir.error_during_resp_allocation = v_sqlerrm WHERE sshr_allocate_resp_id = p_rec.sshr_allocate_resp_id; WHEN error_in_fnd_user_pkg THEN UPDATE xx_sshr_allocate_resp ir SET ir.error_during_resp_allocation = 'Error while creating FND User. Please see Concurrent Log file for details' WHERE sshr_allocate_resp_id = p_rec.sshr_allocate_resp_id; WHEN OTHERS THEN v_sqlerrm := SQLERRM; UPDATE xx_sshr_allocate_resp SET error_during_resp_allocation = substr(v_sqlerrm ,1 ,2000) WHERE sshr_allocate_resp_id = p_rec.sshr_allocate_resp_id; END; END LOOP; FOR p_recx IN (SELECT * FROM xx_sshr_allocate_resp isar WHERE isar.fnd_request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id AND error_during_resp_allocation IS NOT NULL) LOOP excel_output('Error' || chr(9) || get_user_name(p_recx.fnd_user_id) || chr(9) || get_emp_no(p_recx.person_id) || chr(9) || get_person_name(p_recx.person_id) || chr(9) || to_char(p_recx.responsibility_alloc_date ,'DD-MON-YYYY') || chr(9) || p_recx.error_during_resp_allocation || chr(9) || get_cost_centre_group(p_recx.person_id) || chr(9) || get_parent_org(p_recx.person_id) || chr(9) || get_grade(p_recx.person_id)); END LOOP; fnd_profile.put(NAME => 'SIGNON_PASSWORD_HARD_TO_GUESS' ,val => v_hard_password); debug_end_procedure; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_profile.put(NAME => 'SIGNON_PASSWORD_HARD_TO_GUESS' ,val => v_hard_password); RAISE; END run;
END xx_sshr_allocate_resp_pkg;